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Ten Things Our Children Want Us To Know

December 8, 2011


1.  Our behaviors rarely mean what you think they mean.

2.  We experience so much more than meets the eye.

3.  We feel our way through life, instead of think our way through.

4.  What you say means very little to us unless it matches how you feel.

5. We are right-brained, creative and connected to something bigger.

6. We are communicating long before we talk.

7. We constantly reflect the inner life of those around us~ even you!

8. The best way to connect with us is by being present.

9. We are showing the world what no longer serves humanity.

10. We are different but we are not disordered.

Once you understand and apply this awareness our life together becomes an awesome gift to be shared!

What is Awesomism?

December 8, 2011

AWESOMISM IS THE DEEP INNER SHIFT that restores your trust in yourself, your child and your significant realtionships

AWESOMISM IS SEEING BEYOND the “disorder” to a brilliance of your child’s difference.

AWESOMISM IS KNOWING your child for who they really are, complete with the amazing clarity, wisdom and gifts that they are bringing to your life.

AWESOMISM IS AN OPPORTUNITY to move beyond limitation and into potentials and possibilities!

AWESOMISM IS A POWERFULLY POSITIVE way to experience autism.


Descension: Bringing Higher States of Consciousness to Humanity

July 2, 2015

Over the last several years you have probably heard a lot about the collective ascension of humanity. You may have heard that we are moving from a 3rd to a 5th dimensional experience.

First, the majority of souls on this planet are indeed currently going through a process of ascension, which basically increases the frequency of their human neurological, psychological and physiological experience. This is happening naturally and organically in many ways, but most importantly it is happening because it is time for a shift in collective human consciousness. That shift is well underway and in fact nearly complete!

Many of our newest populations of children are literally in the process of “coming here” to support that process. You may be doing that as well! This minority population of souls, has full remembrance and/or are unconsciously functioning from higher states of their own consciousness and are primarily focused on descending into the human condition.

Children diagnosed with autism and others who are highly energetically sensitive/aware as well as those who have a conscious memory of Source fall into this category. These souls are here to support the evolution of humanity by transducing their vibrational frequency into a consciousness that can be used here. These souls are creating pathways from Source (down) through various dimensional experiences so that access to Source/All That Is/ Vastness energy can support the transmutation of the lower vibrational energy of our conditioned human experience. Simply stated: The children and some of you are bringing what you know from higher dimensional realms into the human experience.

The unseen, higher dimensional aspects of us, is a descending pattern, while the “seen,” human expressions are being altered and ascending.

Generally speaking, the high vibrational aspects of consciousness, are stepping down to transform the lower vibrational limited patterns of our human conditioning.

Both patterns are a part of the natural and organic unfolding of human evolution, however it can become very confusing for someone who is primarily trying to descend to have their focused attention in an ascension model.

This is why the children (and maybe you too) find the human condition perplexing, There is confusion as to why humans function the way they do and especially why there seems to be an absence of love, appreciation, acceptance, compassion and other expressions of heightened consciousness. Those who are descending frequently have natural skills that they have not been taught such as telepathy, remote or multidimensional sight, natural healing capacities without the use of “techniques”, the ability to read thoughts, feelings and alter or enhance the frequency of thoughts and feelings.

This population may live in and or experience what to most would be considered the unseen. They frequently have access to other vibrational languages, which some call light language, use sound, tones, written symbols or physical body movement to express higher vibrational experience. This population experiences the unseen with their five senses because their focus is in a higher vibrational frequency while using the mechanism of the physical experience to register that higher frequency information.

This population has a lot to overcome to settle into the human experience. They do that, at least in part, by supporting the ascension of human consciousness, meaning that as they support the raising of human consciousness, they find it easier to descend into it and the closer they are able to come, the more impact their energy has on those around them.

“New Norm” With the Kids

April 1, 2015

I’ll wait until after April 4th and the lunar eclipse to create the next All About The Kids Podcast as in all honesty the energy has been fluctuating so much through the month of March that from moment to moment, it was hard to get a read on it.

With so much transition and transformation in March, the kids have been demonstrating the collective unrest in many literal ways.

Looking back through March however I have noticed several patterns within the children, no matter where they are located in the world. I suspect that a “new norm” will begin to be noticed at least by mid April. Hang in there! We are all shifting as fast as we can. Be patient with yourselves and the kids!

Toward the beginning of the month:

  • Increased anxiety and behaviors used to compensate for anxiety
  • Wanting space and solitude
  • Fixation on repetitive actions while the mind was occupied somewhere else dimensionally.
  • Preferring that parents not support them in the usual ways
  • Emotional breakdown, unease or frustration with things as they were.
  • Energetic distancing from the body in preparation for transformation of the frequency of it

After Pluto-Uranus square and solar eclipse:

  • Virus type symptoms as solar activity altered DNA and cellular structure
  • Greater focus but sometimes in an “OCD” kind of way.
  • Cellular regeneration/reorganization unlike anything I have seen before.
  • Greater access to parents through telepathy (typically when a parent thinks they have an idea for the child, it is coming directly from the child’s higher consciousness and simply processed through the parents brain as an idea).
  • Greater level of presence
  • Lighter disposition (smiling more)
  • Increased and fleeting ” In the Body” awareness showing up as brand new skills which show up and then seem lost. All these new skills should be anchored more consistently by mid April.

Be sure to check out our FREE Awesomism I Program for more resources, including meditation and energy processes to support you and your kids.


November 2, 2014

Wow what amazingly wonderful and confusing times! The energy over the last week especially has been nothing short of transformative. The tricky part of this transformation is that when so much is changing at once, it can be challenging to keep up with it all… and that is the point. With so much changing simultaneously in our neurology, psychology and even physiology we are being directed to let go of any attempts at control and move into a state of trust. It is clear now that this transformative energy will leave no aspect of self unturned.

Limitations within human systems, personal beliefs and unconscious patterning are rising to the surface hourly at this point and the opportunity for one “aha moment” after another is …well challenging and comical (provided you still have your sense of humor). So what do you say we just let go and enjoy where this massive dismantling and reconstruction of self is taking us? Easier said than done!

I have been noticing some very specific symptoms related to this process in the following areas.
As the limiting patterns of our neurology dismantle it can be difficult to focus on anything other than what is truly important to our essence. That might include recurrent issues that just beg to finally be addressed and the natural narrowing of our focus to those people, places and topics that support our essence while literally not being able to focus on the rest.

As the patterns of our old psychology dismantle, it can feel a bit like we are going through a change in personality. That which we have identified as who we are may be reorganizing to the extent that we do not recognize ourselves from one week to the next. This dismantling  can cause a feeling of “falling apart” while at the same time offering experiences or awareness of our innate gifts.

We can also have the sense of fluctuating between the complete belief that we have free will only to shift into knowing that THE WILL is the only will.

Our physiology is transforming along with the re-patterning of our neurology and psychology.  On the one hand we can feel more alive and better than even, while on the other hand old symptoms, and physical weaknesses seem to be rearing up long enough to be very uncomfortable, only to be completely remediated as if by “magic”.

If this all sounds a bit confusing, then… welcome to the greatest time on earth! Humanity as we know it is being completely reconfigured and the essence of who we are is beginning to emerge. There IS a place of stability within this massive shift, but it may not lie in our old physical, mental, or emotional reference points. The stability/coherence within  may only be available when putting our focus squarely on higher aspects of ourselves. An amazing sense of coherence emerges as if  through dark clouds, like the brilliant radiance that we each are, the moment we admit that we may be much more than we have perceived ourselves to be.

We can argue to ourselves that our limitations are the “real us” or we can allow ourselves to finally begin to admit that we have always know that we were so much more… not better or brighter than any other, but ALL RADIATE! ALL MASTERFUL! ALL DIVINE.

The next step in this journey is to be, without hesitation, the radiate, masterful, divine BEINGS that we are and to demonstrate a new way of BEING so that others will easily remember that they too are that!

Is that something we can DO or make happen?… absolutely not. Do we look divine in the process? … absolutely not. It looks messy, confusing and a bit cumbersome with beautiful bursts of conscious awareness of who we really are mixed in so we don’t forget what this is all about. Will the outcome of this transformation look like our minds expect it to look?…absolutely not. Our literal experience of this inner transformation is all that can inform us as to what is changing, and what that might mean.

We will only know, when we look back at where we were, exactly what has changed, what we have become and the potentials that exist because of this transformational time in human history.

Enjoy the ride!



Right Brained Leaners

October 3, 2014

The mental/cognitive learning style of children diagnosed with autism is primarily through the senses and involves learning through experience and awareness. For these highly visual kids, picture cues and gestural cues are often very helpful in following structured linear directions. Traditional educational approaches primarily focus on the development of left brained skills, which can be very frustrating to this right- brained population. This form of education also has a tendency to focus on the mind and the body with no attention at all placed in the realm of spirit or energy. – excerpt from “Understanding the Mental/Cognitive Experience of Awesome Kids” by Suzy Miller. Click this link to learn more about Suzy’s work.

First Human Incarnation

September 27, 2014

Most children diagnosed with autism are having their first human incarnation. As such they do not have their own human emotional baggage, which makes them very clear mirrors of our emotional energy. That, paired with their clear dimensional sight, makes it a challenge for any parent to hide any aspect of themselves from these kids. It also means that the kids very unintentionally poke at the right place all the time. -excerpt from “Understanding the Emotional/Sensory Experience of Awesome Kids” by Suzy Miller. Click this link to learn more about Awesomism and Suzy’s other work.

First Human Incarnation

September 19, 2014

Most children diagnosed with autism are having their first human incarnation. As such they do not have their own human emotional baggage, which makes them very clear mirrors of our emotional energy. That, paired with their clear dimensional sight, makes it a challenge for any parent to hide any aspect of themselves from these kids. It also means that the kids very unintentionally poke at the right place all the time. -excerpt from “Understanding the Emotional/Sensory Experience of Awesome Kids” by Suzy Miller. Click this link to learn more about Awesomism and Suzy’s other work.

New to the Human Experience

September 12, 2014

The physical condition is difficult for children diagnosed with autism because it is literally brand new to them. They have to figure it out as they go while having many cards stacked against them, not the least of which is an adult population that generally does not understand energy, how it works, and how it impacts our physical experience. The children are also experiencing heightened senses which, when understood and used to their benefit, can help everyone.- excerpt from “Understanding the Physical Experience of Awesome Kids” by Suzy Miller. Click this link to learn more about Suzy’s work.

The Full Spectrum of Potentials and Possibilities

September 5, 2014

When we see with the eyes of God, we see other realities and in other realities there are new possibilities. The child standing in the room could be any child, with or without a so – called condition or handicap. We are all a spectrum of energy and at some level of awareness we know that at the height of that spectrum is ONENESS. I believe that as we broaden the scope of our awareness, we allow a greater possibility for something new to manifest in our physical reality. To learn more about Suzy and Suzy’s work click link.

Just What The Children Had in Mind.

September 2, 2014

Last week it was announced that top CDC scientist, Dr, William Thompson went public with a historic announcement that that CDC has evidence that the MMR vaccine caused a 340% increase in autism for African-American children (no doubt in other populations as well). Dr. Thompson also indicated that the CDC has had this information for over a decade.  Of course this information is not being covered on the evening news, but it is having a significant impact on human consciousness, none-the-less.

Over the years, the Consciousness of the Children has shared with me several collective soul directives A collective soul directive, is the focus that a particular group of souls has in bringing about change in human consciousness.

The Collective Consciousness of the Children has repeatedly suggested that they have many reasons for and ways of supporting humanities evolution. This consciousness has shared that that children diagnosed with autism will lead humanity to new medicine, new science and new education.

By their presence alone, these children are showing us what no longer works for an evolving humanity. They are bringing to light the practices, systems and rhetoric that keep us in a perpetual loop of limitation.

For example, when they arrived in mass in the early 1990s few were questioning the impact of various forms of toxicity as a possible “cause” for autism. ( I’ll explain “cause” in a moment).  By 1995, the year that the CDC shifted the vaccine schedule from 12 vaccines to 36 in the same time span, many parents already knew that this was doing more harm then good, but of course they were not listened to. In 1995, we were still in the age of “the doctor knows best” and parents did not have the voice they do today.Well, MUCH has changed since then.

Today there is not only a growing debate, but also proof that organizations like the CDC may not have the highest interest of  children in mind. Simultaneously, we have grown to not put as much uneducated faith in physicians as we have in the past.

We could say that the vaccine issue is an isolated incident related to this population bringing light to human consciousness, but lets look at other debates that are taking place around children diagnosed with autism. Education in another huge issue for this population as is diet, health and well-being. In fact, I bet that 10 years ago many of us had no idea what a GFCF diet was. Now I don’t even have to spell it out.

Could it actually be that this soul group is shedding light on systems (such as education) and practices (such as diet, health and well being) that may not be helping us grow as a humanity? Could it be, that at a soul level, this is just one of the awarenesses that they are collectively here to bring? Could it be that this population (of very advanced souls) is bringing into human awareness just what was intended from their soul directives?

Causes of autism will be debated for years and in the meantime, I can only share with you what they shared with me. They state that this is a population of advanced souls, with a very refined energy field/frequency. So refined in fact that it is a challenge for them to be in the density of human form with this energy, but they are trying. They are also bringing about the changes that would allow their frequency to function more coherently in the physical world. Part of that process is bringing to light that which does not serve higher states of consciousness. As the various “causes” of autism and the systems that are not supportive of it come to the surface one by one, I suspect that we will also see clearly that these same issues are connected to the on going hampering of human evolution.