Just What The Children Had in Mind.

Last week it was announced that top CDC scientist, Dr, William Thompson went public with a historic announcement that that CDC has evidence that the MMR vaccine caused a 340% increase in autism for African-American children (no doubt in other populations as well). Dr. Thompson also indicated that the CDC has had this information for over a decade.  Of course this information is not being covered on the evening news, but it is having a significant impact on human consciousness, none-the-less.

Over the years, the Consciousness of the Children has shared with me several collective soul directives A collective soul directive, is the focus that a particular group of souls has in bringing about change in human consciousness.

The Collective Consciousness of the Children has repeatedly suggested that they have many reasons for and ways of supporting humanities evolution. This consciousness has shared that that children diagnosed with autism will lead humanity to new medicine, new science and new education.

By their presence alone, these children are showing us what no longer works for an evolving humanity. They are bringing to light the practices, systems and rhetoric that keep us in a perpetual loop of limitation.

For example, when they arrived in mass in the early 1990s few were questioning the impact of various forms of toxicity as a possible “cause” for autism. ( I’ll explain “cause” in a moment).  By 1995, the year that the CDC shifted the vaccine schedule from 12 vaccines to 36 in the same time span, many parents already knew that this was doing more harm then good, but of course they were not listened to. In 1995, we were still in the age of “the doctor knows best” and parents did not have the voice they do today.Well, MUCH has changed since then.

Today there is not only a growing debate, but also proof that organizations like the CDC may not have the highest interest of  children in mind. Simultaneously, we have grown to not put as much uneducated faith in physicians as we have in the past.

We could say that the vaccine issue is an isolated incident related to this population bringing light to human consciousness, but lets look at other debates that are taking place around children diagnosed with autism. Education in another huge issue for this population as is diet, health and well-being. In fact, I bet that 10 years ago many of us had no idea what a GFCF diet was. Now I don’t even have to spell it out.

Could it actually be that this soul group is shedding light on systems (such as education) and practices (such as diet, health and well being) that may not be helping us grow as a humanity? Could it be, that at a soul level, this is just one of the awarenesses that they are collectively here to bring? Could it be that this population (of very advanced souls) is bringing into human awareness just what was intended from their soul directives?

Causes of autism will be debated for years and in the meantime, I can only share with you what they shared with me. They state that this is a population of advanced souls, with a very refined energy field/frequency. So refined in fact that it is a challenge for them to be in the density of human form with this energy, but they are trying. They are also bringing about the changes that would allow their frequency to function more coherently in the physical world. Part of that process is bringing to light that which does not serve higher states of consciousness. As the various “causes” of autism and the systems that are not supportive of it come to the surface one by one, I suspect that we will also see clearly that these same issues are connected to the on going hampering of human evolution.





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