Wow what amazingly wonderful and confusing times! The energy over the last week especially has been nothing short of transformative. The tricky part of this transformation is that when so much is changing at once, it can be challenging to keep up with it all… and that is the point. With so much changing simultaneously in our neurology, psychology and even physiology we are being directed to let go of any attempts at control and move into a state of trust. It is clear now that this transformative energy will leave no aspect of self unturned.

Limitations within human systems, personal beliefs and unconscious patterning are rising to the surface hourly at this point and the opportunity for one “aha moment” after another is …well challenging and comical (provided you still have your sense of humor). So what do you say we just let go and enjoy where this massive dismantling and reconstruction of self is taking us? Easier said than done!

I have been noticing some very specific symptoms related to this process in the following areas.
As the limiting patterns of our neurology dismantle it can be difficult to focus on anything other than what is truly important to our essence. That might include recurrent issues that just beg to finally be addressed and the natural narrowing of our focus to those people, places and topics that support our essence while literally not being able to focus on the rest.

As the patterns of our old psychology dismantle, it can feel a bit like we are going through a change in personality. That which we have identified as who we are may be reorganizing to the extent that we do not recognize ourselves from one week to the next. This dismantling  can cause a feeling of “falling apart” while at the same time offering experiences or awareness of our innate gifts.

We can also have the sense of fluctuating between the complete belief that we have free will only to shift into knowing that THE WILL is the only will.

Our physiology is transforming along with the re-patterning of our neurology and psychology.  On the one hand we can feel more alive and better than even, while on the other hand old symptoms, and physical weaknesses seem to be rearing up long enough to be very uncomfortable, only to be completely remediated as if by “magic”.

If this all sounds a bit confusing, then… welcome to the greatest time on earth! Humanity as we know it is being completely reconfigured and the essence of who we are is beginning to emerge. There IS a place of stability within this massive shift, but it may not lie in our old physical, mental, or emotional reference points. The stability/coherence within  may only be available when putting our focus squarely on higher aspects of ourselves. An amazing sense of coherence emerges as if  through dark clouds, like the brilliant radiance that we each are, the moment we admit that we may be much more than we have perceived ourselves to be.

We can argue to ourselves that our limitations are the “real us” or we can allow ourselves to finally begin to admit that we have always know that we were so much more… not better or brighter than any other, but ALL RADIATE! ALL MASTERFUL! ALL DIVINE.

The next step in this journey is to be, without hesitation, the radiate, masterful, divine BEINGS that we are and to demonstrate a new way of BEING so that others will easily remember that they too are that!

Is that something we can DO or make happen?… absolutely not. Do we look divine in the process? … absolutely not. It looks messy, confusing and a bit cumbersome with beautiful bursts of conscious awareness of who we really are mixed in so we don’t forget what this is all about. Will the outcome of this transformation look like our minds expect it to look?…absolutely not. Our literal experience of this inner transformation is all that can inform us as to what is changing, and what that might mean.

We will only know, when we look back at where we were, exactly what has changed, what we have become and the potentials that exist because of this transformational time in human history.

Enjoy the ride!




  1. Shonna Ordway says:

    That was sooooo poignant Suzy, thank you so much!!

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