Descension: Bringing Higher States of Consciousness to Humanity

Over the last several years you have probably heard a lot about the collective ascension of humanity. You may have heard that we are moving from a 3rd to a 5th dimensional experience.

First, the majority of souls on this planet are indeed currently going through a process of ascension, which basically increases the frequency of their human neurological, psychological and physiological experience. This is happening naturally and organically in many ways, but most importantly it is happening because it is time for a shift in collective human consciousness. That shift is well underway and in fact nearly complete!

Many of our newest populations of children are literally in the process of “coming here” to support that process. You may be doing that as well! This minority population of souls, has full remembrance and/or are unconsciously functioning from higher states of their own consciousness and are primarily focused on descending into the human condition.

Children diagnosed with autism and others who are highly energetically sensitive/aware as well as those who have a conscious memory of Source fall into this category. These souls are here to support the evolution of humanity by transducing their vibrational frequency into a consciousness that can be used here. These souls are creating pathways from Source (down) through various dimensional experiences so that access to Source/All That Is/ Vastness energy can support the transmutation of the lower vibrational energy of our conditioned human experience. Simply stated: The children and some of you are bringing what you know from higher dimensional realms into the human experience.

The unseen, higher dimensional aspects of us, is a descending pattern, while the “seen,” human expressions are being altered and ascending.

Generally speaking, the high vibrational aspects of consciousness, are stepping down to transform the lower vibrational limited patterns of our human conditioning.

Both patterns are a part of the natural and organic unfolding of human evolution, however it can become very confusing for someone who is primarily trying to descend to have their focused attention in an ascension model.

This is why the children (and maybe you too) find the human condition perplexing, There is confusion as to why humans function the way they do and especially why there seems to be an absence of love, appreciation, acceptance, compassion and other expressions of heightened consciousness. Those who are descending frequently have natural skills that they have not been taught such as telepathy, remote or multidimensional sight, natural healing capacities without the use of “techniques”, the ability to read thoughts, feelings and alter or enhance the frequency of thoughts and feelings.

This population may live in and or experience what to most would be considered the unseen. They frequently have access to other vibrational languages, which some call light language, use sound, tones, written symbols or physical body movement to express higher vibrational experience. This population experiences the unseen with their five senses because their focus is in a higher vibrational frequency while using the mechanism of the physical experience to register that higher frequency information.

This population has a lot to overcome to settle into the human experience. They do that, at least in part, by supporting the ascension of human consciousness, meaning that as they support the raising of human consciousness, they find it easier to descend into it and the closer they are able to come, the more impact their energy has on those around them.

One Response to Descension: Bringing Higher States of Consciousness to Humanity

  1. janonlife says:

    A brilliant post, Suzy. I agree with all you’ve said here.

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