Walk with Your Soul

April 25, 2014

These priceless children are, undoubtedly, in our lives to teach us how to take that richer and more mindful walk through life—a walk with our own soul and theirs. – excerpt from “Awesomism: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism” To learn more about a new perspective of autism visit suzymiller.com

Here to Teach Us

April 18, 2014

Children diagnosed with autism are here to teach us about the subtleties of this world. How would we ever know if we didn’t open our minds and attempt to explore their world through keen observation and the harnessing our own intuitive faculty? – excerpt from “Awesomism: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism” To learn more about a new perspective of autism visit suzymiller.com

Who/ What Be You?

April 11, 2014

More important than what you do is how you are. Set the vibrational tone. Be in touch with yourself. Be in the now. Become the sensor and reader of what works for your child. Become the bridge between the level of physical and mental functioning and the level of soul/spirit experience. Let being trump doing, and suddenly you’ll find yourself more at peace with yourself than ever before, more at peace with the fact that your child possesses this diagnosis, and more at peace with your child. And isn’t that what you were after all along? In the long run we aren’t trying to “fix” anything, only becoming more comfortable with what is. We are simply weaning off of all the “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” so we allow the Awesomism to emerge. – excerpt from “Awesomism: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism” To learn more about a new perspective of autism visit suzymiller.com

Why Boulder?

April 4, 2014

The AWECP practitioners gathered from around the globe, in Boulder, Colorado last weekend for a very specific reason. This was to co-create with the Collective Consciousness of the Children in anchoring a new neurology into the human experience. Nice lofty words, right, but what the heck does that actually mean?

First some background! Every new generation brings with it templates of information, energy and awareness that could not been fully integrated by the generations before them.

The effects of these templates typically trickle into human consciousness on a variety of levels until a new way of being manifests. We sometimes see this as a generation gap, because the potentials that new generations bring, often leave those that came before them in the chaos of change.(Think the 1960’s)  With each new generation, there is a new language, new styles, new technology and a new focus for humanity.

But what happens when the next generation of children are completely different, than those that have come before them? What happens when a whole population of children (1 in 68 according to the most recent CDC reports) functions beyond what has been considered to be typical human behavior?

What happens (as we have seen) is that the “older and uniformed” generation labels them as”disordered,” “broken” or “victims of an ailment, ” which prevents them from being socially acceptable and then goes about trying to fix them so that they can fit in!

Well, some of the hippies of the 60’s may have caved under the pressure to fit in, but then again that population was simply bringing new ideas to the generations before. They were not, as the autism population is, bringing an evolutionary leap in human consciousness!

I promise you that these children will not cave for the sake of conformity, nor will they waver from the focused shift in consciousness that they individually and collectively bring.

So back to our original question. What does it mean to anchor a new human neurology and why in the heck do a small group of people (24)  from around the globe actually find the need to travel long distances to help make that so?

Firstly, we are all aware that this new population benefits from support in the physical domain (D-Space to use Bill Tiller’s Language). This includes guidance and awareness of how humans function on planet Earth, an honest evaluation of what has worked for humanity up until now and the willingness to let go of what has not.

Supporting this population in the physical domain, is like providing information to a foreign traveler, in a new land, about the customs and details of life, in an effort to  make their travels as smooth as possible. BTW, we do not assume that a distant traveler is broken because they do not know how to be what we are, so why do we assume that these children are “broken”. We do so because of out of a limited perception of who they are.

Children diagnosed with autism are like travelers from the subtle realms. They function very well in those domains ( R-Space in Tillerease). It is from the R-space domain that, those who have the eyes to see, see that these children are bringing new levels of human potential to the collective consciousness. This is why we were drawn to gather in Boulder.

For most of us, the first hint that it was time to look beyond the physical for the gifts and awarenesses of this population, was their inability to fully function in the physical. For those with a propensity for R Space awareness, it is only logical that if a population does not appear to have their focus in the physical domain, then they must be focused somewhere else. It also seems logical that if they are not focused in the physical realms then maybe they are focused in the non-physical. Of course this is only logical, if you  already know that you are more than physical!

So to answer the original question, this particular group of people (and many others) are all capable of focusing their attention in both the physical and subtle domains. Within the subtle domains, this new generation (What I refer to as the Collective Consciousness of the Children) revealed that humanity was ready for an upgrade in how it perceives reality.

It was revealed, through the ability to consciously experience the subtle realms, that the Collective Consciousness of the Children could use some help in anchoring a new human neurology.

They seemed to hold the consciousness, information, energy and awareness for this new way of functioning, but needed a bridge between the current human levels of consciousness  and the new prototype that the children offer. So together we created this new human neurology as a potential and possibility.

The main components of this new neurology include the collective human capacity to:

  • See through the illusion of conditioned physical experience.
  • Breakthrough these limitations by having intermittent experiences of more subtle realities
  • Function from the frequency of love versus the mental perception of love.
  • Allow processing through the heart versus the mind.
  • Experience a new relationship to time.
  • Value subtle domain information and influences in relationship to physical domain experiences.
  • Create change at a subtle level of awareness versus through physical discomfort and disease.

Given that what we have collectively believed to be true, is currently being exposed as false on a daily basis and given that there are now more questions regarding the physical world than concrete knowings, it makes sense that maybe our next frontier is not physical at all.

Maybe it is time to take a peek into the subtle realms and experience what the children have know to be true all along. Maybe it is time to bridge our own gap between own old conditioned perceptions and the realities that are actually available beyond them. As far as I can tell, this opportunity is available to everyone, everywhere, right now. It is simply a matter of choice!

Maybe it is finally time for us to stop making what we cannot see, wrong and begin to open to the subtle aspects of our awareness. Maybe as we begin to do this, our newest population of children will find it much easier to be among us.