Love as a Frequency

August 29, 2014

This new frequency of love has nothing to do with what you have been told about love and yet it screams to be felt within all aspects of your being. It is a presence that permeates and although it cannot be explained, it can be felt through and through. As you align to this new frequency of love there is a feeling of relief. A relaxation and a remembering happen simultaneously. The energy seems to flow in all directions, from you as its source to you and to those around you. To learn more about Awesomism or Suzy’s work, click link

Your Predominant Emotional Vibration Becomes Your Childs

August 22, 2014

Each expression of yourself holds a vibrational frequency. Happy has a frequency. Sad has a frequency. Abundant has a frequency and so does the feeling of lack. When you choose the same feelings over and over again, they become a set energetic pattern and that pattern holds a predominant frequency in your expression of self. From the time your child is conceived and throughout their life they are feeling these frequencies, seeing these patterns and learning how to be in the world based on all of it. They are being taught at a very subtle level how to respond to every life experience based on the best teachers they have—YOU!  To learn more about Awesomism or Suzy’s work, click link

Your Predominant Emotional Vibration Becomes Your Childs

August 15, 2014

Each expression of yourself holds a vibrational frequency. Happy has a frequency. Sad has a frequency. Abundant has a frequency and so does the feeling of lack. When you choose the same feelings over and over again, they become a set energetic pattern and that pattern holds a predominant frequency in your expression of self. From the time your child is conceived and throughout their life they are feeling these frequencies, seeing these patterns and learning how to be in the world. To learn more about Suzy’s work. Click on the link.

Be For Your Child

August 8, 2014

The question “How do I best help my child?” is what every parent wants answered. In the question itself is the assumption that there is something that you can DO to make you child’s experience better, however regardless of what we try to do for our children, their focus is never on what we are DOING. Their attention point is on what we are BEING.  To learn more about Awesomism and Suzy’s work visit

Revealing the Blessing Versus the Disorder

August 1, 2014

We are blessed to be present on Earth at a most amazing time. The collective vibration and experience is increasing all the time. We are becoming a new consciousness, one that is in personal harmony and relationship with all. Children diagnosed with autism are trying constantly to reveal their Awesomism to us, but we are only now learning how to read their behaviors in a way that reveals the blessing as opposed to the supposed disorder. This population has specific gifts both individually and collectively that can teach us so much about our evolving humanity. These children as a collective actually demonstrate unity on a daily basis. They teach us – and in some cases force us – to feel our way through life as opposed to thinking our way through. They constantly reflect the emotional climate back to us, and give us consistent radar of where we are in our evolution toward feeling/sensing/knowing versus thinking. As we move beyond the mind we will naturally see them as the gift to the planet that they are. To learn more about Suzy’s work visit

Emotional Environment Barometers

July 25, 2014

Because of the interconnectedness of all systems throughout all dimensions, the sensory system and the emotional bodies closely interact. On one hand, when the sensory system is on overload, so are the emotions. But from another vantage point, when the sensory system is wide open, so is the ability for our children to perceive the emotional climate of individuals and environments. The day-in-day-out manifestation of this is that our children are able to sense our emotions and will express them back to us either verbally or through acting out. Watch your child in the middle of a tantrum. What is he saying? What is he doing? These will all be good indicators of the emotional climate of the environment. To learn more about Suzy ‘s work visit

Children with No Container

July 18, 2014

Let’s take a look at the general energy field of a conscious child. The first thing that I notice is that the field of these children has no container, or at least a porous container. For those children that are highly evolved and conscious of their inner connection, they are literally no longer contained within the energetic box called human form. Their energetic bodies are expansive, free flowing and intermingled with the consciousness of all others in this same state. This state would be much like the state that humans achieve after leaving the physical body at death. These children are literally and metaphorically, everywhere. Depending on their personalities and based on past experience with this state of limitlessness energy, the child will manifest different physical experiences. -excerpt from “What’s Going on Inside our Children? Looking Through Energetic Eyes.” To learn more about a new perspective of autism visit

Merge Science and Spirit

July 5, 2014

My work in energy medicine has spanned more than three decades. In that time I have witnessed a more solid merger of science and Spirit. While I have always held the position that science must never dictate or validate one’s spiritual experience, I have profound appreciation for that which quantum science espouses and what I have intuitively seen for decades. It gives theoretical support for energy medicine, the field of holistic medicine and the advancement of human consciousness. It is a merger that, indeed, holds the key to a deeper understanding of our truer nature, health and healing.- excerpt from the Foreward by Laura Alden Kamm “Awesomism: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism” To learn more about a new perspective of autism visit

The Unraveling of Human Conditioning

July 1, 2014

If our neurology, psychology and physiology are all patterns of energy based on deep unconscious conditioning then how can we unravel those conditions? Is it enough to simply be conscious of patterns?  I don’t think so. If  awareness was enough to change our patterns, then I have a feeling that, by now, each of our lives would be filled with a lot more ease, grace and joy. If  awareness was all that was needed then we would all change our uncomfortable patterns in a heart beat!

What keeps (negative or positive) patterns running? How long do they have to run? Is it true that our unproductive patterns will run until we “learn our lesson”? Is there a benefit to that pattern? Does it teach us something? or Are these patterns simply addictive habits?

As I watch the emerging patterns of new human neurology, I am struck by one observation. The difference between the neurology of those who are suffering through recurrent unconscious patterns and those that are flowing with ease, grace and joy seems to be based on the amount of space within their neurology as it relates to the issue at hand. The literal space between the firing of  human neurology  can appear as a tightly entangled experience which presents as a conditioned reality or as creative options for alternative outcomes.

Let me provide an example.  I recently spoke to a woman who was having a really challenging time with her child. She was in fear, worry and concern and although she could see her pattern, seeing it was clearly not enough to change it.

I asked her what would happen if tomorrow her daughter was “fine”. At the same time I watched (through dimensional sight) the response in her neurology. As I asked the question, I watched the neural activity become very restricted and constricted. It was like her neural patterns became tightly entangled.

I told her what I was observing and as I did she began to give me one “reason” after another as to why real change in her daughter could never happen. So I asked another question.

I asked her if there was some psychological benefit to being in fear, worry and concern. Did that change the pattern? Did it make it better or worse? I also asked  if she felt empowered by the pattern or dis-empowered. For a moment, she wanted to go back to placing the blame for her fear, worry and concern outside of herself and on her child’s behaviors.

I shared with her that her neurology seemed to indicate a tightening up during our conversation and she said in some ways that even talking about it was making the fear, worry and concern worse.

I suggested that we leave the talking ( no problem can be changed from the place it was created , right )  and play in the energy.  I asked her to go into the feelings and see if she could feel any space in it. She said it felt hard, solid, confining.  We played with adding space to that feeling. She added space with her intention alone and she felt a little shift… she added more space and felt another shift… she added more space and let out a sigh. What was the space doing?

There was now more space in the way her neurology was firing just by choosing it. More pauses in her thought process… There was a moment of peace, followed by a space of peace, followed by another sigh.

In that moment she did something remarkable, with just a little extra space she was able to make a choice. She said this feels so much better than the fear, worry and concern. (That would seem obvious enough to most of us looking in on this scenario, but we also know that it is a little more challenging when we are the ones feeling the discomfort.)

She said, ” I’d like to choose this feeling?”  ” I’ll choose space.” Notice she did not say, ” I will choose no more fear, worry or concern”. It was remarkable because as we where focusing on being more space, she recognized it was the space around those feeling that would be of service in changing the pattern.

In AWECP we  frequently use the phrase “expand to include it” or ” go to the place where IT is not! In both cases we are simply training ourselves to have more space around an issue. The space I refer to is just what it sounds like… SPACE…VOID…APPARENT NOTHINGNESS…THE UNKNOWN.

No new creation can come out of our known perceptions. If we simply go about expressing what we think we KNOW about a situation ( based on our past experience)… then two things happen. 1. We negate that we created thee experience out of our past conditioning and 2. We recondition ourselves to do it all over again so that we can confirm that our past conditioning is true.

We have to choose the unknown to move past a pattern. We have to allow for more space. We have to condition ourselves to move into spaciousness at the very moment that we are screaming inside to simply regurgitate what we KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE.

Our experiences our simply based in our perceptions. They are not and where never true. They simply validated our ability to create from a certain perceptual reality. Our patterns have always been an opportunity to choose again. To choose the space of consciousness versus the things in space that we are so focused on.

As we give more attention to creating the awareness of space around an experience and less attention to the thing that we created, we condition ourselves to change our undesirable patterns with ease.

At this point, if your mind is telling you that it cannot be that easy… then keep justifying your current pattern of thought and I will promise you will get more of the same, but if instead you are interested in what other options are available within the vastness of the beautiful being that you are, then consider choosing space over and over.

Consider intending an expansion of inner space around ANY ISSUE  and then notice what that space does to create new experiences in your life. Choose space and watch the multiple options come flying back at you from the infinite possibilities and potentials of that space. Choose the unknown and see what is available.

If what I am watching is true, and it seems to be, then it is flipping amazing what a little extra space can do to shift your neurology, psychology and yes even your physiology! Play in the vastness of space and let me know how it goes!

Enjoy the ride!




Bridging Worlds

June 27, 2014

In Awesomism author Suzy Miller, brings us into this newly bridged world of biology, energy medicine, and spirituality and shows us that Autism, in particular, is perhaps not as concertized as it appears to be. According to some, such as Dr. Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief, Deepak Chopra, Quantum Healing, and in my own work, Intuitive Wellness, it is noted scientifically, philosophically and spiritually that there is much more behind the nature of a condition than science had once asserted. If that is true, perhaps we can begin to recreate a new definition of autism and other conditions. – excerpt from “Awesomism: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism” To learn more about a new perspective of autism visit